16 Topics to Talk About With a Girl (And 5 to Avoid)

Have you ever been in a situation in which you couldn’t think of any topics to talk about with the girl who was sitting in front of you?
I continued to fail until I finally figured out that I should stop talking about Putin, ISIS and cancer…
Before I learned the key principles of communicating with women I had countless dates that were nothing but staring contests until I desperately tried
to impress her with some irrelevant bullshit that neither her nor I actually cared about.When I think back to all the dating failures I only had, because I was unable to find the right topics to talk about, I somehow feel sorry for the girls who had to sit next to me for hours while they pretended to be interested in a conversation that doesn’t even deserve to be called a conversation.
Do you want to know what I did about my situation?
I buried my head in the sand and promised to never go on another date again.
Noof course I didn’t do that.
Even after the tenth failed date without sex and sometimes even without a kiss I refused to give up.

All those failed dates motivated me even more to find out what it is that distinguishes a boring conversation with a girl from a conversation that leads to an exciting interaction, a connection and eventually to passionate sex.
I already knew how I had to start a conversation with women, but I had absolutely no idea what topics to talk about with a girl who I was on a date with. I then turned the conversations I had with women into field studies and I tested every possible topic. Through trial and error I found out which topics arouse women and which turn them off. What I also found out is that there is a five step process that works all the time, when you want to find the best topic.
How to Find the Best Topics to Talk About With a Girl
Don’t worry, I will later provide you with a list of tons of topics that you can use when you are on a date with a woman. In addition to that, I will share a few topics with you that you should avoid at all cost, even if you are on a date with a fanatic Nazi chick that shoots porn movies (this sentence will make sense later).
Knowing the topics that make her heart warm and her pussy wet is great but do you know what’s even better?
To know exactly which steps you have to follow in order to find out about the topics that she wants to talk about with you.

Step 1: Let Her Do the Talking

Even though a lot of guys try to impress the women they are dating with all kinds of things, that they don’t really want to hear, the truth is that women don’t want men who are constantly talking. On the one hand, it is far more attractive to be together with a guy who reveals a little bit about himself, while maintaining the image of a mysterious gentleman. The other reason why women don’t want you to talk all the time is because they absolutely love to talk about themselves.
couple talking
“And then I graduated from college, and then I got this job, and then I got fired for banging my boss…”
When a woman sits next to a man who encourages her to tell him her whole life story she will do it.
The only problem is that a lot of women are afraid of scaring you away by talking too much. We all have seen the annoying chatterboxes in movies. She doesn’t want to appear like one of them. That’s why it is so important to tell her directly that you want to find out more about her and that you want her to talk.
The huge benefit of this approach is that you will have more potential conversation topics by listening to her for ten minutes than other guys by studying whole books.
“I really want to know what kind of person you are. Tell me a little bit about yourself.”
Even if you ask her to tell you a little bit about herself, she will probably tell you a lot. Some women use their monologues to tell you exactly what they like and dislike. Others need a helping hand to reveal those things.

Step 2: Find Out What She Likes

How do you find out what a girl likes?
Use the information she gives you and ask her deeper questions according to that topic.
Let’s say she tells you that she loves to have fun, but that she is also a very caring person. I think I don’t have to tell you that this information is extremely superficial. A girl who wants to have fun can have this feeling during a gangbang party or while she is feeding her hamster Freddy.
crazy hamster
“This bitch lets me starve whenever she goes to her gangbang parties!”

You want more details and the best way to get those details is by asking the right questions:
“What are the things that you like to do for fun?”
“Is fun for you more about excitement or about contentment?”
 “Is there someone in your life who you take care of right now?”
“What does it mean for you to be caring?”
The answers to those questions will reveal what she likes and why she likes it.
Congratulations, now you know how to find topics to talk about with girls. All you have to do now is to make sure that you won’t fuck it up.

Step 3: Represent Your Opinion

How do you fuck up a conversation, even if you talk about the topic that interests her?
By being a little bitch who doesn’t have the courage to represent his own opinion.
Just because you found out that riding horses is her biggest passion, doesn’t mean that you should lie in her face and tell her that you love horses, even though you only love them in the form of salami.
Talking about a topic she likes is great, but don’t become one of those pathetic friend-zoned wimps who lie in a girl’s face, while they desperately hope she will let her pants drop. Women want to ge seduced by interesting guys who have the balls to say what they think, not by guys who pretend to like something, just because they want to lick her.
You don’t have to say that you hate horses, unless you really do, which would be pretty weird. Just tell her that you have never sat on a horse, but that you can imagine why she likes it (feeling of freedom, adventure etc.).

Step 4: Add Your Own Experiences

If you have the same interests and passions, it is pretty easy to add your own experiences. Just tell her about your last horse riding tournament and she’ll want to bang the shit out of you in the barn.
fall from horse
Share your experiences and your bone fractures with her

What do you do when horses are less important to you than a sack of rice in China?
You should still add your own experiences, even if they are just indirectly related to horse riding. You could talk about the activities that make you feel alive and free. You could talk about your experiences with animals (non-sexual of course). You could talk about the things that you love to do in nature.
The possibilities are endless.
Just make sure that you throw in a few own experiences that show her that you are an interesting guy who understands what she feels. A woman who has the feeling that you get her and that you are on the same level, will easily trust you and connect with you.
Once you showed her that you are an amazing guy, who she can relate to and who she can connect with, even though you have never been near a horse, it is time to lead over to another topic that eventually makes her fall for you.

Step 5: Lead Over to Related Topics

Finding another related topic that you can talk about in order to trigger similar or even stronger positive feelings in her is not that hard. You can even change the topics every couple of minutes. This keeps the interaction fun and alive.
Women love to switch between topics and it is your job to provide them with wood to let the fire of your conversation burn stronger.
Okay, you shouldn’t go that far to let the fire burn stronger

Always remember that you are the leader and that it is your duty to lead the conversation in the way you want it to go. Leading over to the next topic is easy-peasy. Let’s go back to our horse example. You found out that she loves to ride horses, because it gives her the feeling of freedom and because she loves to take care of animals.
This information alone allows me to spontaneously think about the following topics you could talk about:
– What it means to take care of an animal.
– Her experiences with other animals.
– Why taking care of other beings is fulfilling.
– Other activities that provide her with a feeling of freedom and adventure. For example traveling and sports.
– If she is always an adventure seeker or if she also has a calm and relaxed side.
Again, the possibilities are endless. You can repeat this five step process until you both sound like Darth Vader and need a glass of water to relax your vocal chords. The best would be to repeat it until she looks you in the eyes while she licks her lips. You know what that means.

Topics to Talk About With a Girl: Evergreen Topics

Getting to know her and finding out as much as possible by following the steps I just discussed is definitely the best way to find topics to talk about with a girl you are on a date with. Nevertheless, it is always good to have a few topics in the back of your mind that you can use, because you know that they will transform a potential train wreck into an amazing date.
If you are like me and you are totally into shy and reserved girls, you will experience it quite a few times that the woman who sits next to you isn’t the most talkative person in the world. I have been on dates with girls who hesitated to tell me what they like and what they don’t like, because they were afraid to say something wrong.
Even though I think that this is very cute, it isn’t helpful when it comes to finding the right topics to talk about. In those situations it is extremely powerful to know the 14 evergreen topics to talk about with a girl that make her spread her legs for you.

1. Her Passion

When I think about topics to talk about with a girl, the first thing that comes to my mind is her passion. I know that the word passion is nowadays used within every second sentence, but it is still one of the best topics you can possibly talk about.
It is ridiculous when a girl tells you that her biggest passion is eating ice cream (I had that pleasure), but when a woman tells you that her biggest passion is to help people to become healthy by fulfilling her duties as a nurse, you should definitely talk about that with her.
beautiful nurse
She might just be the woman you are going to marry…

In case she works as an accountant in a big company her passion is most likely not related to her job. If she works in this nine to five hamster wheel for over ten years, she has probably already forgotten that something like passion exists.
Help her to connect with her passionate side.
Whenever we human beings talk about our passions in life, we get energetic, excited and we release a lot of endorphins. She will then link all those positive emotions to you.

2. The Importance of Family

One of the reasons why I prefer foreign women is because those girls tend to identify themselves a lot more with traditional family values. I love my family and the last thing I want is to date a girl with some severe father issues who freaks out whenever her parents visit her.
In case you also don’t want to end up with such a chick, you should better find out more about the relationship with her parents.
The best way to do that is by talking about family values and the importance of family.
This is one of the topics to talk about with a girl that shows you straight away, if you want to see her again or not. In case you found out that she loves her family and that she has a healthy relationship with her father, you can connect even more with her, by letting her know how important family is to you.

3. The Craziest Thing She Has Ever Done

Do you want to find out if you are dating a party killer or a girl who is ready to have some fun with you?
Then ask her about the craziest thing she has ever done. Tell her that you won’t judge her for anything and that she can be completely honest with you.
crazy girl eating nudels
I have never done anything crazy!
In case she is a bit shy you can start and tell her one of your crazy experiences. If you can’t think of any crazy experience, you should book a flight to a country of your choice and start to live your life.
Once she revealed the craziest thing she has ever done to you, you can start to play a game by telling each other all the crazy things that you have ever done.
The one who has experienced more crazy stuff wins and gets a kiss.
The best thing about this game is that every story she shares with you reveals new potential topics to talk about with her.

4. The Meaning of Life

Are you into philosophical and spiritual women?
Then find out if she is one by talking about the meaning of life.
I know it sounds cheesy but I had very positive experiences whenever I chose this topic. All you have to do to get laid after you talked about the meaning of life is to cheat a little bit.
Don’t just tell her that you think we are here for a purpose. Let her know that you are convinced that we are here to enjoy our lives, to live out our desires and to live every day as if it was our last. Believe me, this YOLO propaganda has a magical effect on a woman’s willingness to jump in bed with you.

5. Love

Love is one of the topics to talk about with a girl that you should only use if you are interested in a relationship.
Talking about love for hours, just to throw her out of your apartment after you had sex is not very gentleman-like.
If you, however, want to make a woman fall in love with you, talking about love is definitely not the wrong thing to do. Every human being wants to feel loved and being loved is one of the most beautiful feelings that you can experience, no matter if you are a strong alpha male or a petite girl.
By talking about love with you, she will intuitively start to feel those positive emotions, while her subconscious mind tries to connect them with you.

6. Travel Adventures

Traveling definitely belongs to the evergreen topics to talk about with a girl. As far as I can remember I have only been on a date with one girl who actually told me that she hates to travel and that she can’t understand why people want to see other countries. I never called her again.
Unless you date such a pain in the arse, you can’t make anything wrong by talking about traveling.
girl traveling
You just don’t want to know exactly what she did to get from A to B

People from all over the world link traveling to freedom, excitement and adventure. Having those feelings on a first date is a good start for a happy relationship.

7. Craziest Sexual Experience

Instead of asking her about her craziest experiences outside the bedroom, you can also ask her about her craziest experiences inside the bedroom. Of course the chances that she will tell you the truth are higher when you already have a sexual connection and when you have at least touched some parts of her body. However, I also met girls who shared their whole sex life with me right after they told me their name.
In case you have never talked about some really naughty stuff on a first date, you will be amazed at how open most girls are.
Sexual experiences belong to the topics to talk about with a girl that are perfect when you want to increase the sexual tension. Talking about sex makes her think about sex and thinking about sex makes her want to have sex. She can be lucky that you are there to fulfil her needs.

8. Her Dreams

Everybody has a dream. Every human being on this fucked up planet wants to do at least one special thing before he or she kicks the bucket. A dream is not the same as your passion. Your passion is something that you want to do on a regular basis, but your dream is a certain moment in your life that you want to celebrate and that makes you feel in love with the world, whenever you think or talk about it.
dreaming woman
“I wanna be the first pornstar who has sex on a space ship…”

That’s exactly the feeling that you want to trigger in her.
Ask her about her dreams and once she has shared them with you, make sure that she also gets to know yours. Talking about such intimate things like dreams can help you to connect with a woman within seconds.

9. The Art of Seduction

“What if I accidentally reveal that my lifelong dream is to become a successful Global Seducer?”
If you are scared that a woman finds out about your dream of becoming a man who is successful with women and if you constantly worry that she might check your browser history and finds out about a site called globalseducer.com, you definitely have the wrong mindset.
woman imagining sex
I can totally imagine that…
Telling a woman that you are studying the art of seduction can lead you straight inside her vagina.
Seriously, the vast majority of girls who I have told that my vision is to help men to live the life of their dreams by seducing the women of their dreams were really excited and interested in this topic.
When a woman sits next to a man who is interested in the art of seduction, she is instinctively attracted to him. Women want to date sexually experienced guys, or at least guys who have the potential to become experienced.
While you are scared that she thinks you are a jerk, she fantasizes about how you put all your sexual skills that you have learned along your journey into practice while you are lying on top of her.

10. Her Biggest Secret

Everybody has something that they don’t want other people to find out.
What if you would ask a woman about her little something when you are meeting her for the first time?
She might not want to reveal it but if she does, she will instantly feel connected to you.
Her biggest secret is one of the topics to talk about with a girl that have the power to make her open up within seconds.
Once she has told you her biggest secret, the barriers to tell you everything else you want to know are pretty low.
How do you address this delicate topic? Simply ask her. Again, women are a lot more open that you might think.

11. Her Hobbies

Other great topics to talk about with a girl are all the different hobbies she has. Knowing about a woman’s hobbies not only reveals who she is and if she has an interesting life. It also gives you the chance to find out if you are a good match for each other.
In case you are a sports freak who goes to the gym three times a week you probably don’t want to date a girl who gets a heart attack after two sit ups.
Find out what she does and decide whether or not you want to do it with her.

12. Movies

Talking about your favorite movies is more than just fun.
Her taste of movies reveals a lot about her personality.
If I were you I would stay away from girls who list the sickest horror movies when you ask them about their favorite movies. Those chicks aren’t emotionally healthy.
woman enjoying movie
“Oh my god, the way he cut her head off was really awesomeI wish I could do the same one day, hihi

Besides sifting out the rotten apples, her taste of movies gives you quite a few hints about how you should seduce her and how fast you can go. If she loves Nymphomaniac, you can escalate a lot faster than if she talks about romantic comedy movies with illusionary love stories.

13. Music

Music works in the same way as movies. A girl who listens to emo and death metal has more psychological issues than a girl who listens to Pharrell William’s “Happy”.
Find out what music she listens to and you will not only know if you can enjoy the same songs, but also if she is a person who is generally good for you.

14. Her Favorite Celebrity

I absolutely hate gossiping and I don’t give a shit about whether or not Kim Kardashian squeezes one kilo or two kilo of shit out of her gigantic ass every morning. Nevertheless, I can’t deny the fact that letting her talk about her favorite celebrity is a good way to find out more about her personality.
A girl who regards Miley Cyrus as her idol will probably be a lot more sexually open than a girl who looks up to a Christian singer who sings about staying a virgin until you get married. In this case you should think twice before you end up doing something that you will regret.

15. Childhood Memories

Do you want another topic to talk about with women that trigger positive emotions in her and create a feeling of trust and connection?
Then talk about your and her childhood memories.
Okay, if she had a really bad childhood and got abused by her father you should switch the topic as fast as you can, but the majority of women, at least the ones that I dated, had a good childhood.
By talking with you about her childhood she will feel safe and secure, just like when she was a child and mommy gave her a glass of milk before she went to bed. Now it is your job to give her your milk before she goes to bed.
woman comfortable in bed
You make me feel so safe and secure

16. What She Likes in Bed

Speaking of pumping your sperm in her body…
Why don’t you ask her what she likes in bed?
I don’t want to say it a third time but women are usually willing to tell you a lot, when you just ask them the right way. Tell her that you are aware of the fact that this is a delicate topic, but that you are really interested in what women like and what they dislike in the bedroom.
The thought alone of ending up in bed with a man who is interested in finding out what women want in bed will make her horny.
In case she has the slightest interest in you, she will tell you everything you want to know.

Topics Not to Talk About With a Girl: The Taboo Topics 

Now you know all the topics to talk about with a girl that will get you in her mind, heart and vagina.
However, even if you talk about all the stuff that I have just mentioned, you can still mess everything up by choosing the wrong topic.
No matter if you have talked about her passion, her dreams and her favorite movies…
it was all for nothing if you decide to introduce one of the following topics.

1. Religion

Religion does definitely not belong to the topics to talk about with a girl.
Do yourself a favor and avoid this topic at all cost.
Unless you are 100% sure that you both have the same religion and both have the exact same beliefs, it will only lead to discussions that nobody can win.
religious freak
“Let’s talk about what we can do to free you from the devilmwhahahaha

Every discussion about religion is completely senseless, because you always talk about concepts that only exist in your mind and that can’t be proven. Arguing about who has the cooler imaginable friend is not a good start for a relationship.

2. Your Car, Your House, Your Boat

Trying to impress a woman with material possessions or job titles is a tactic that a lot of guys use. The problem is that it doesn’t work unless you are dating a gold digger. A man who tries to impress women shows nothing but his insecurity.
If you think that you don’t deserve the woman you are with, without talking about your red Porsche, you should work on your self-confidence before you think about topics to talk about with a girl.

3. Politics

The only thing that might be dumber than taking about religion is talking about politics with her. Politics is one of those topics that make it impossible to trigger any of those positive feelings that you need in order to seduce her.
fighting couple
Donald Trump’s hair are real you stupid cow!!!

Even if you have the exact same opinion on the political situation, you will still end up talking about negative shit all the time.
This topic kills sexual attraction faster than if you would shit on the table.

4. Ex-Girlfriends

It is nice that you think about your ex-girlfriend from time to time but the last thingthe girl you are dating wants to hear is how you broke up with the girl you met in the exact same restaurant about one year ago.
The worst thing you can do is to badmouth your ex-girlfriend and tell her what kind of bitch she is.
A lot of guys do this and the only thing they communicate by doing it is that they are incapable of having a relationship. She will instinctively be afraid that you are going to do the same with her one day.

5. Weird Sexual Fetishes

Asking a girl about her sexual fantasies is great. Asking her about her craziest sexual experience can also be quite enlightening. Talking about your weirdest sexual fetishes on the first date can be a little bit too much.
In case you have any sexual fetish that would shock her if you would confront her with it, you should better keep them to yourself until she had sex with you. Once she is comfortable in your bed, you can let her know that you want to shit on her.
Bon appetite!

Summed Up Wisdom

What are some great topics to talk about with a girl? Well, there are quite a few evergreen topics but the best way to find them is by letting her do the talking and by finding out what she likes. If you then have the balls to represent your opinion and add your own experiences, she is yours. After a while you can simply lead over to one of the following topics:
Talk about her hobbies, her passion, the meaning of life, her dreams, her favorite music, movies and celebrities. After that you are ready for the intimate stuff, such as childhood memories and the sex positions she loves he most.
As long as you don’t try to impress her and as long as you avoid delicate topics that only lead to negative energy, such as politics, religion, your ex-girlfriend and sexual fetishes that belong in the zoo, you are good to go.

source : www.globalseducer.com 

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